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Strengthening Sovereignty Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian County and Alaska Conference

April 9 - April 11
Event Details

Find conference information as it is available at www.miwsactraffickingconference.com

“You are invited to SAVE THE DATES for the 2024 Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska Conference, in San Francisco, California, April 9-11, 2024 (Pre-Conference | April 8).

This conference will bring together survivors, tribal leaders, field experts, tribal communities, and federal partners focused on improving responses to sex trafficking of American Indian and Alaska Native children, women, and men.

The conference plenaries and workshop sessions are designed to equip tribal programs and their partners with critical information and tools necessary to plan and implement comprehensive, culturally-based strategies to combat sex trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska Native communities while highlighting key issues to improve systemic responses to, and support for, American Indian/Alaska Native survivors of sex trafficking.

Who Should Attend: Tribal crime victim advocates, healthcare professionals, law enforcement, prosecutors, and other tribal services providers working with American Indian/Alaska Native sex trafficking survivors, tribal leaders, tribal gaming, commercial enterprises, travel and tourism, hotel staff, and others wanting to learn more about developing comprehensive tribal responses to sex trafficking in tribal communities.

Questions regarding this event can be emailed to traffickingconference@miwsac.org. Please share across your networks. Registration information coming soon, pending OVW approval.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco, CA in April!”


Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
